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The following are publications we feel will be helpful in your modelling efforts. Of greatest importance is Trolley Talk. If you are in this hobby this is a must for you. Each of these publications has some information to offer to you. You can search EBAY for used copiues. They are worth having at least one of them in your library.


Traction Planbook, Hal Carstens, Editor, Carstens Publications, Inc. ISBN 911868-16-X, August, 1975.

Out of print, but many were printed, and are probably still available from various booksellers. Packed full of plans of various types of trolleys, interurban, and work cars. There is even a plan or two of subway cars. Some history is included. This book got us started in the hobby back in 1968, and it is highly recommended for every traction modeller.

Model Traction Handbook, for Model Railroads, by Paul & Steve Mallory, Carstens Publications, Inc., ISBN 74-74929, 1974.

Out of print, but a very comprehensive publication relating to prototype, and modelling practices.

Traction Guidebook, for Model Railroaders, Mike Schafer, Editor, Kalmbach Publishing Co., ISBN 74-76225, 1974.

Out of print, but a good gloss paper magazine format type book relating to prototype, and modelling practices with a section of nice plans and history. Check with your favorite bookseller for availability.

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