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Photo Gallery - Prototype


Most of the following photos were taken in the 1970's along the old South Brooklyn Railway right of way on Second Avenue at 39th Street in Brooklyn. There are two photos taken at the 38th Street cut which was the main connection between the SBRWY and the BRT and later the NYCTA. Quite a few subway cars were delivered to the TA along these tracks, coming to Brooklyn on car ferries from New Jersey. The R62's were one such series delivered that way. The Davidson Pipe yard can be seen in the distance under the BQE Expressway - a Cosco Store now occupies the former Davidson Pipe yard, which if you go back far enough in history was the 39th Street ferry terminal stop and yards for the BRT.

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2nd_Ave_Trackwork_Frog 2nd_Ave_Trackwork_1 2nd_Ave_Track_Blanked_Frog
2nd_Ave_Trackwork_3 2nd_Ave_Track_Single_Pt_SwT.jpg 2nd_Ave_Trackwork_7
Farrell_Trackwork_T Cobble_Stone_Color Conduit_Trackwork

The following photos were taken in the 80's on Walley Street in East Boston - the last vestiges of street trackage exposed in the area. As far as I know, this trackage is still in situ. The long view is coming down the hill looking toward Beachmont, Revere. Hard on the right is Suffolk Downs station on the Blue line (out of view) The switchwork was to permit cars to take a left and go into private reservation to Suffolk Downs racetrack. There was a loop for cars to turn around inside the grounds. Centre-entrance trains, type 4's with trailers and finally type 5 cars provided the service from Maverick Station. You can see the Blue Line row on the right stretching toward Beachmont and Revere Beach in the long view. The streetcar tracks paralleled this all the way to the beach as originally the Blue line row was the Boston, Revere Beach, and Lynn RR until 1940. Tony Tieuli

Suffolk_Downs Suffolk_Downs_Sta
WalleySt_lking_tow Walley_St_1936

The following photos were taken by Tony Tieuli in San Francisco in May of 2003. It shows the more "modern" way of doing street trackage.

SFturnout SFtrack-geneva_ch
SFtongue SFmate

All photos copyright Q-Car Company, Inc.

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