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Photo Gallery - The Corgi® PCC

Return to Disassembly of the Corgi® PCC Car and Q-Car Power Installation

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The following are additional photos of one more way to mount our trucks in a Corgi® PCC.

Note that doing it this way returns the lower floor to the model, and the motor hole is only cut in the lower floor. The power truck is mounted to the upper floor, and both floors are held in place by replacing the two center posts with something one quarter inch longer treaded at the outer end for the use of retainer nuts.

The small plug shown in photo five is to allow the car body to be separated from the floor assembly.

PCC_Install_Alt_01 PCC_Install_Alt_02 PCC_Install_Alt_03
PCC_Install_Alt_04 PCC_Install_Alt_05 PCC_Install_Alt_06
PCC_Install_Alt_07 Dimension Template

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